ISSN 1415-6393 printed version
ISSN 1983-7151 versión online



Scope and Policy

The Journal Turismo - Visão e Ação is linked to the Post-Graduate Academic Master's Degree Program in Tourism and Hospitality Course Doctorate in Business Administration and Tourism of the University of Vale do Itajaí (UNIVALI). It is an interdisciplinary, scientific journal, with national circulation and international readership. It is published three times a year. The journal is currently classified as B 3 (Administration, Accounting and Tourism).

Its target public consists mainly of researchers, teachers and students in Tourism and related areas, at graduate and post-graduate levels; as well as consultants, business people and professionals from public and private companies operating in tourism and related areas.

We therefore welcome submissions of previously unpublished articles, whether theoretical or theoretical-empirical in nature, from national or international sources, which address relevant themes that offering thought-provoking and innovative perspectives for the scientific development of Tourism and related areas, bearing in mind that Tourism is a field which is well-known for its analytical depth and theoretical-methodological consistency, reflecting the current state-of-the-art production of knowledge in this field. Works may be submitted in Portuguese, English or Spanish, and will be published in their original language.

The Process of Evaluating Articles

The evaluation process for submitted articles to the Journal Turismo - Visão e Ação consists of the following stages:

1. A preliminary evaluation (deskreview) by the editor(s), to determine whether the paper is in keeping with the journal's editorial policy.

2. Evaluation of the article by two members of the Editorial Board or ad hoc consultants in the form of blind review.

3. If the paper is approved and recommended by the evaluators, it may then be returned to the author(s) for improvements to the content and/or format.

4. If it is approved, the article goes through a final stage of orthographic and grammatical revision.

5. The forecast for the publication, can vary from 12 to 24 months.


Form and preparation of manuscripts

Only original scientific works may be submitted, i.e. the work must not have been published in any other national or international journal, or in events annals, book chapters, or any other form of publication.

The manuscript should not be under a review process for publication in another journal, whether national or international. This condition must be maintained throughout the process of submission, through to receipt of the response from Revista Turismo Visão e Ação (RTVA).

Revista Turismo Visão e Ação restricts the maximum number of authors to four per article.

Articles submitted to the journal must have been written by researchers in the area of Tourism. At least one of the authors must hold the title of Master's degree or PhD.

A limit of one article published in the magazine in every two years must be adhered to.

Pre-requisite for publications

Only works in scientific article format, and that adhere to the following rules, will be accepted:

1. Basic Guidelines:
1.1 Articles written in Portuguese must adhere to the most recent Orthographic Agreement on the Portuguese Language.
1.2 The bibliography of the article should be consistent, and should also show the position of leading foreign authors on the subject.

2. Nature and basic structuring elements of Articles:
2.1 Articles must be unpublished; they may be written in Portuguese or Spanish, and must contain the following sections, in this order: Title; Abstract (in Portuguese or Spanish, for articles written in these languages); keywords; Abstract and keywords in English; Introduction; State of the art/Literature Review/Theoretical background; Methodology; Results; Final considerations; and References to the sources cited (not numbered).
2.2 Each section should be clearly highlighted/indicated throughout the text. Subheadings, where applicable, should be concise and clearly indicated.
2.3 The Abstract (in source language and its translation) must contain no more than 200 words, emphasizing the objectives and methodology, and summarizing the final considerations (ABNT - NBR 6028, in force).
2.4 Up to three keywords, which should reflect the basic ideas of the text, and use descriptors commonly used in Tourism and related areas.
2.5 Explanatory Notes should be kept to the minimum necessary, and presented at the end of each page, in a footer.
2.6 Any citations in the body of the work, and the corresponding references at the end, should be in accordance with the current ABNT standards, i.e. NBR- 10520 and NBR 6023.
2.7 Illustrations and tables should present a title and source, and should be placed in the body of the text, according to the current ABNT NBR 14724 standard.
2.8 In any photographs used, individuals must not be identifiable, unless with their permission.

3. Responsibility: The signed articles are the sole responsibility of the authors, and their content does not reflect the opinions of RTVA.

4. Basic settings for the structure of articles
4.1 Source: Arial/Calibri, 14 (title of article), 12 (body of the text), 10 (indented quotations and notes);
4.2 Line spacing: 1.5;
4.3 Margins: 3 cm (top and left); 2 cm (bottom and right);
4.4 Sheet: A4
4.5 Text Editor: Word for Windows 6.0 or more recent
4.6 Spacing before and after paragraphs: 0 Point
4.7 Alignment: justified.

5. Article length: articles must be at least 15 (fifteen) and not more than 25 (twenty-five) pages in length.

6. Notification of the outcome of the submission: authors will be notified by email of the outcome of the review of their articles. There are four possible outcomes: acceptance for publication; acceptance after making corrections pointed out by reviewers; acceptance after making the corrections pointed out by reviewers, but requiring resubmission; or rejection. In the case of the third option – acceptance after making the corrections pointed out by reviewers, but requiring resubmission – authors will receive guidelines from the reviewers on the corrections that need to be made. These must be done within the deadline set by the journal. Failure to meet the deadline will result in the article being removed from the process, in which case the article will need to be resubmitted by the authors, for a new review process.


Send of the manuscripts

Registration in the SEER system and later access through login and password are required for the submission of papers, and to monitor the editorial process underway.


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