ISSN 0103-5541 print version
ISSN 1984-4867 online version



Scope and policy

Revista Turismo em Análise (RTA), published by the Departamento de Relações Públicas, Propaganda e Turismo da Escola de Comunicações e Artes da Universidade de São Paulo [Department of Public Relations, Advertising and Tourism of the School of Communication and Arts of the University of São Paulo] since 1990, has earned the respect of people dedicated to the development of tourism in Brazil. Currently, RTA has national and international reach, reflected both in the articles published as well as in the origin of its readers. RTA is committed to the quality and diversity of its articles. Moreover, it is a reference publication in the studies of Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality. The focus RTA is to publish:

Studies focusing on relevant and innovative approaches and themes;

Results from qualitative or quantitative research that contribute to a better understanding of the development of the tourism field;

Specific works that use methodologies consolidated by other areas of knowledge;

Essays and experiences that can support and stimulate discussion on current issues, and reports on scientific meetings and events.

RTA uses blind peer review and accepts submissions on a continuous flow. The journal publishes three annual issues and provides immediate open access to its content, following the principle that freely available scientific information disseminates knowledge.

Mission: To be a respected mean for the continuous dissemination of scientific research, experiences and studies by faculty, researchers and professionals in the field of Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality.

Objectives: To publish original and relevant original articles in the area of Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality, aiming to:

acknowledge the value of the specificities of these knowledge areas and sub-areas,
contribute to the exchange of information and ideas, foster quality scientific production,
start discussions on innovative themes, serve as a reference for the scientific community and professionals of this area.

Target audience: All researchers, scholars, academics, professionals and students interested in issues related to Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality.


Send of the manuscripts

The Editorial Board decides and acts based on the ethical principles that support scientific journals and follow the good practice standards required by QUALIS/CAPES.

The submission and evaluation process happen in continuous flow, without pre-set dates for the submission of articles.

Submitted articles are appreciated by the Editorial Board regarding formal issues according to the guidelines for authors, pertinence of the theme in relation to the mission of the journal and the compliance of ABNT standards.

The articles that meet these requirements are sent to at least two Ad Hoc blind reviewers, which are usually researchers familiar with the subject of the article.

They evaluate the scientific merit and compliance with the requirements of the editorial policy of RTA.

The review is based on the following criteria:

Originality of the theme;
Title adequacy in relation to the content of the article;
Structure, content and size of the abstract;
Logical organization of the text;
Clarity in the definition and relevance of the problem;
Clear description of the objectives;
Consistency of the justifications for the study;
Scope of the literature review and level of critical analysis;
Description and appropriateness of the methodology used;
Suitability of materials and methods used in the study;
Depth of data analysis;
Comparison of the results with the consulted literature;
Discussion of results;
Adequacy and clarity of tables and graphs, as well as their captions and quoted sources;
Consistency of the findings with the research objectives and the analyzed data and results.

Based on the comments of the reviewers, the Editorial Board decides to edit or not the submitted articles, and may suggest possible changes in order to adapt the texts to the publication.

After approval, the articles enter the queue for publication, sorted by date of submission.

None of editorial organizations, educational and research organizations or individuals involved in the board, committees or in the publishing process and management of the publication are responsible for the content of the articles, its ideas, opinions or concepts; the authors are fully and solely responsible for that.


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443 Bloco B, sala 15, São Paulo - SP, Brasil
05621-030 São Paulo SP Brasil
Tel.: 55-11-3091-4122